When you support Smart Savannahs, every penny goes to securing and equipping African parks and rangers with the latest surveillance technology. The equipment is expensive and the maintenance and development of our successful conservation program depends on your much appreciated contribution.
Thanks to your and others' willingness to help, we can continue our vital work for the animals

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Prints that protects wildlife
When you buy a photograph of Björn Persson, the entire profit goes to our conservation work. The photographs are uniquely produced for Smart Savannahs. They are printed on high quality fine art paper and are signed by the photographer on the front. Measure. 40 X 30 cm Price: 1000 kr
You order your photograph directly from Björn Persson
About Björn Persson
Björn Persson is chairman of Smart Savannahs and an internationally recognized art photographer. In addition to photography, Björn is involved in raising awareness of the situation of endangered species. His passion for wildlife began when he trained in wildlife management and worked with anti-poaching in South Africa. That was when he discovered the critical condition of wildlife. Since then, Björn has used his camera as a weapon against poaching and donated significant sums to the conservation of wildlife.
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Linköpings universitet
581 83 Linköping
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